So, when he says 32 sets of 16 wavetables, that means the pro 3 ships with 512 wavetables? Or does he really mean 32 sets of 16 waveforms? as in 32 wavetables? If there really is 512 wavetables thats great news and a quite big step up from the number we saw in the Prophet 12.
Each of the 32 waveTABLES has 16 waveFORMS that you scan thru in 256 discrete steps (it interpolate between the 16 waveFORMS)... That add up to 32*16 discrete waveFORMS stored in memory in total for all the waveTABLES. ..
You can morph thru the 16 waveFORMS in a waveTABLE in 256 steps as mentioned creating additional waveFORMS... So in theory, you have 32*256 different waveFORMS available... 256 per waveTABLE.
So no... You do not get 512 waveTABLES... You get 32... But the interview gave the impression that they are considdering either user wavetables or factory added ones in a later OS update... I personaly hope they go all the way with user wavetables.
An alternative middleground to dumping of user waveFORMS to the PRO3 could be to simply let users select the 16 waveFORMS in a waveTABLE, and in what order they should be in that table, choosing from the allready available 512 waveFORMS...
That would eliminate all the hazzle of preset compatibility between several PRO3s with different user waveTABLES in memory since all would allways have the same waveFORMS, only the waveTABLES would differ, but as these fill only few bytes the user waveTABLE could be stored with the preset! ...
In fact I think this would be the most useful implementation, and if Sequential wanted to include more waveFORMS they could easily add them, and preset integrity would still remain.
Ps. I am in no way hinting at you being dumb or anything, by writing TABLE and FORM in capital letters... It is only to make my rant easier to decipher as these two terms are being said over and over again, and it is so darn easy to mix them up