Well... that DSI (Dave) do not want to create editors I can live with... but then for god sake, fix your MIDI bugs when people report them! ... The Evolvers still suffer a lot of these, and the Tempest still has no fix for SysEx bugs on the DIN ports.
If DSI did their own editors, I bet these bugs would be found while designing the editors, because I'm certain they would not allow for a commercial editor to be released, with things not working.
If they fix all bugs reported to them, I have no qualms about them not doing editors... mostly because I can make my own. Only problem I still have is the same as others have mentioned: The SysEx structure is being let out these days... i had to analyze a dump for every f****** single parameter to figure out where it was in the dump... if you want people to create editors for you, then please give them the FULL specs please.
And then... that Tempest SysEx spec... please do not make more of these packed format, bit-compiled SysEx structures... it makes it VERY difficult to create editors...
And a final note about the use of editors... I have to disagree completely with Dave's philosophy that it's not needed because everything is on the front panel... no it is NOT! ... there are menus to dive, knobs and buttons have more than one function on many of DSI's synths, and it IS easier and much more intuitive, as a sound designer, to have an editor to work with... knobs, though fast to edit, also have a tendency to be hard to make fine adjustments with sometimes, making an editor a god sent.... and then maybe the most important reason in my own case: I have so many synths I work with at the same time, that having all of them in front of me is simply impossible... we are still a lot of "studio rats" out here with more than one synth, and without the eagerness to go on tours to only be a "performance guy"... For me it's important that I can remotely control all those modules I've got, from my computer, all at the same time, not having to walk back and forth between different devices all the time...
Now I cannot decide what Dave is supposed to think about this, and the choice is of course his, but one thing I do have control over is what I want to buy in the future, and one thing is certain... if MIDI specs is not up to date, and well documented, I have no choice but to stop buying DSI products...