Hey guys,
I have some issues with my Pro 2 regarding it's USB connection. Since some days I had strange crackling & rumbling digital noises, not too loud, though noticeable coming from my monitors. They were also noticeable on bounces of tracks I've made. I went through several solutions and tried various things, thinking the sound was made up by circuit errors or my iMac I run everything through.
At last I discovered that when my Pro 2 was not connected via an input to the interface, the noises disappeared. I then checked different cables and other inputs, but as soon as it was connected the noises came again, even though the Pro 2 was also turned off and not even connected to a circuit! I then pulled off the USB cable it received it's MIDI through and the noises disappeared. I double checked, using other USB cables and also setting all the MIDI settings to USB in the menu, but as soon as I have my Pro 2 connected via USB, I am having these sound issues and the glitching noises.
Of course I think about sending it in for a repair as I guess that the USB hub is broken. But beforehand - did any other of you guys had this issue already or heard of it ? Maybe there is a solution keeping me away from sending the synth away and having to work without it for several days or weeks. Hope someone can help with this.
Btw, I am running it with MIDI cables now, works perfectly fine!