I am using the Blofeld desktop. Mine still has the original encoders, buttons and knobs. I never had a problem using them. I got mine second hand about three 1/2 years ago and I was lucky indeed to get one with good quality encoders.
Good to hear!
If you don't need the Digitone sequencer the workflow is a lot more straightforward. Designing good sounding FM sounds is really intuitive on the 'tone. It is the sequencer workflow I believe, that has a lot of people stumped. The Digitone also works very well as a sound engine only, with 4 parts each on a different MIDI channel. Actually I wasn't interested in the Elektron sequencer at all. For me the Digitone is about FM sound design.
I think it is very much a matter of which kind of sound / sound engine you want to add to your arsenal.
One day I will checkout the Digitone. Sound wise I like it from what I can hear at YT. But just 4parts can be a dealbreaker for me. But I will try and find out... 😊
I would love to hear more how you use the Squarp Pyramid and what you think of it. I do very much like the direct, hands-on approach of the Schrittmacher sequencer. For me composing and playing live is all about getting in the moment and "flow" (away from the distractions of a computer).
The Pyramid is a quite new Sequencer for me still discovering his potential.
First I love that I can handle up to 48 Midi-Channels in one single Sequencer. In my setup the first 16 Midi-Out-1 channels will be used for different hardware Synthesizer like my DSI-Synths. The Midi-Out-2 channels will be reserved for my new Blofeld. The last 16 USB-Channels I use exclusively for my iPad Instruments and FX (love my iPad and it’s capabilities)
Pyramid allows me to sequence up to 64 polyphonic tracks and up 2048 patterns in a project. Each track can have different time signatures so polyrhythmic is not a problem. All the tracks and patterns I can organize in Sequences.
I can play and sequence in live mode (love the looping mode) or use the Step-Sequencer for notes, chords, CC and FX-Automation. The Euclid-Sequencer is also nice.
Pyramid offers 12 build in Midi-FX, very interesting...
Please give me some time to learn more using the pyramid, it would be a pleasure to share my experience with you!
Regarding Blofeld,
As I mentioned I got a second hand Blofeld today, for a good price, in mint condition with 2 years warranty and luckily inclusive 2 additional Soundbanks!

Analog Voltage by Don Solaris
and The Best Of Analog Synth by Roberto Galli
There are any more interesting Soundsets out there which are recommend?
I’d look into the new ASM HydraSynth. They have a desktop module version as well as a keyboard version.
It’s not available right now but I watched a review by Loopop. Very interesting indeed! I will keep an eye of this very new synth!
Thanks a lot for mentioning the Hydrasynth @LoboLives!

Seems we are in the exact same genres, and if I was to tip you in any direction, it would be to head for some type of synthesis you do not already have, that can help you get more variety... You are well covered in wavetable and FM with your Prophet 12, and your REV2 gives you that analog oscillator tone... My tip would be to try looking into spmething that will let you use samples as sound sculpting, especially if you are into ambient... So the Blofeld actually could fit in here, as it has some 60mb of sample flash memory as well as the ability to do custom wavetables too... But there are other bets like Prophet X, Quantum or even a secondhand sampler like maybe an Emulator Ultra or some Kurzweil sampler... I can wholeheartedly recommend a V-Synth XT if you want a module... That thing will tweak samples like no other and turn anything into ambient pads with its sideband filters.
Being able to incorporate samples with organic tonality and weird voices etc. Is crucial for my ambient music, that is for sure.
Hi @Razmo!

I’ve been reading your whole Gear Rant Thread , what a challenge to find the right gear!

Thanks a lot for your feedback here. I will checkout the V-Synth but first I will discover the Blofeld. Because we love the same music genre I would be happy to learn more from you. Would be nice when we keep contact!
Thanks @all!
Very appreciated your comments!
Here is a photo from the first test drive with my new Blofeld at my office desk...