Crazy intermittent problems with Pro 2

Crazy intermittent problems with Pro 2
« on: October 30, 2019, 11:10:36 AM »
I'm having some really odd, intermittent problems with my Pro 2. I have been in touch with Sequential / DSI support and have followed their advice regarding the disconnection / re-connection of the ribbon cables connecting the boards. This did cure the issue temporarily, but it only lasted a few days before returning. It's then returned and disappeared a few times more. There's not much more help they can offer remotely. 

I made a couple of short videos:

Aside from the OLED, which sometimes displays the odd cycling characters and sometimes nothing at all, there are all sorts of peculiar sonic characteristics. The second video is based on the preset 'Pro Want' for example. Pots mostly don't work, but sometimes do and with unexpected results. Slider one and two LEDS are sometimes lit to varying degrees and sometimes not. Sometimes, a day later after power on, it works perfectly before (as today) just reverting to the described crazy state!

Anyone with any ideas regarding this? I'm having trouble finding anyone in the UK to send this too. A return to the US (whole synth or boards) is prohibitively expensive or, as in the case of removing the boards, something I'm not confident enough or willing to do.

A fantastic synth which I'm very keen to have back in a state of sanity.

Many thanks for any assistance or suggestions in advance. 

Jez :(


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Re: Crazy intermittent problems with Pro 2
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2019, 12:14:43 PM »
Board removal is actually very simple and we give detailed instructions on how to do it safely. Just requires a screwdriver and for you to unseat some cables before you send them in

I'm having some really odd, intermittent problems with my Pro 2. I have been in touch with Sequential / DSI support and have followed their advice regarding the disconnection / re-connection of the ribbon cables connecting the boards. This did cure the issue temporarily, but it only lasted a few days before returning. It's then returned and disappeared a few times more. There's not much more help they can offer remotely. 

I made a couple of short videos:

Aside from the OLED, which sometimes displays the odd cycling characters and sometimes nothing at all, there are all sorts of peculiar sonic characteristics. The second video is based on the preset 'Pro Want' for example. Pots mostly don't work, but sometimes do and with unexpected results. Slider one and two LEDS are sometimes lit to varying degrees and sometimes not. Sometimes, a day later after power on, it works perfectly before (as today) just reverting to the described crazy state!

Anyone with any ideas regarding this? I'm having trouble finding anyone in the UK to send this too. A return to the US (whole synth or boards) is prohibitively expensive or, as in the case of removing the boards, something I'm not confident enough or willing to do.

A fantastic synth which I'm very keen to have back in a state of sanity.

Many thanks for any assistance or suggestions in advance. 

Jez :(

Re: Crazy intermittent problems with Pro 2
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2019, 01:45:46 PM »
The problem is the expensive shipping and insurance here sadly. Ideally, I'd like to keep it within the UK.

Current OLED display: