Different numbers of steps in the same beat

Different numbers of steps in the same beat
« on: October 29, 2019, 03:44:12 PM »
Hi all,

Does anyone know how to set different numbers of steps for different sounds in the same beat? So that you can have certain rhythms cycling through, making the beat sound less static. For example, the beat is 16 steps long, but a couple of percussion sounds have 15 or 14-step lengths, etc.

On the Korg Volcas this is called active steps and can be easily changed per drum sound - individual steps can be clicked on and off.

It must be possible to do the same sort of thing on a Tempest. Can anyone help?


Re: Different numbers of steps in the same beat
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2019, 04:22:25 PM »
It must be possible to do the same sort of thing on a Tempest. Can anyone help?

Sadly this is not possible without using an external sequencer.
Noise, Noodles and Doodles: http://bit.ly/mrjonesthebutcher

Re: Different numbers of steps in the same beat
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2019, 11:39:28 AM »
Ah, this is sad news.

Thanks for the reply - cheers.