Thanks for that info! I didn't realize that those Moog clone modules had come out or were even on the horizon-- I'll be checking them out for sure. They are a bit pricey, but it looks like they didn't cut any corners... the oscillator goes to 40k!! That's the kind of feature that I want in Eurorack modules. I also love that they chose to keep all of the notches around the pots-- this is something I'm constantly fighting with when I come up with patches. I'll write notes like "Filter Cutoff at 1:35"-- it's not the most accurate to say the least!
RE: Dixie II's for choir patches
I'm not sure that the Dixie II is even the best choice to be honest. I personally like it because they are extremely stable. That, however, means that I'm relying on random voltages to de-stable the oscillators to get them to sound more human like. They track really well though, which is good because it means that you don't have to keep retuning them when you switch registers (like going from Male to Female choir sounds and such).
As for the uVCF, I think that Intellijel is being generous when they say how well it tracks-- I had a Doepfer A-111-5 for a long time and the filter on that seemed to track just as well if not better in some cases. At that particular point in time, I had all of my equipment in a non-insulated room in a place with extreme weather (as in below freezing all the way to 95+ degrees with 90+% humidity). So in the winter months, I'd heat up the room with kerosine heaters and my equipment, so the temperature would swing from like 28F to 75F+. However, even now that I'm back in California, I still notice that I have to calibrate the filter quite often, which is not ideal. For some patches, I write down all of the parameters I've used. I guess it's not a big deal if it's a tiny bit.
At any rate, the Aion Filter/Noise, LPF, HPF, and Filter Coupler look amazing. While I've done a bit of research on the specs of the original Moog Filter Coupler, I guess I didn't realize the implications behind them (just seems like a waste of HP at first glance!). I suppose if cost wasn't an issue I'd go for those Aion filters, assuming they perform as advertised, over the uVCF.
As excited as I am about these Moog clones, it's not really something I can invest in right now-- maybe we can live vicariously through Sacred Synthesis though? I'm curious what his take is on these!