Custom Evolver Waveforms with WAV2Evolver


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Custom Evolver Waveforms with WAV2Evolver
« on: September 27, 2015, 04:40:02 AM »
A new forum, a new audience!

For anybody who needs a way to convert single-cycle waveforms to Evolver-format system exclusive data, or to create custom waveforms for the Evolver, a web-based utility called WAV2Evolver is available at

There are instructions on the application itself, but feel free to post here if you have any questions!
« Last Edit: November 04, 2016, 07:50:08 AM by chysn »
Prophet 5 Rev 4 #2711

MPC One+ ∙ MuseScore 4



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Re: Custom Evolver Waveforms with WAV2Evolver
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2016, 11:36:03 AM »
There are instructions on the application itself, but feel free to post here if you have any questions!

Hiho chysn,

is the code behind this anywhere published (GitHub, SF or similiar) / available as open source?

Since EvoWavDump is not working on newer Macs anymore and the soundtower editor did not seem to allow/provide import of waveforms in PCM or similiar, this web service is the last option for me/"us" as Evo User. It would be nice if i could provide the hosting of the service (or at least a mirror) with my hosting company for free (on high speed / high performance machines - which is my profession and own infrastructure).

Another thing is i'm interested in publishing my collection of WaveForms in Evo and provide others a option to publish their waveforms (at least on a "simple" way) over that tool (i.e. by clicking: "allow to save and publish for others" - if they provided at least some basic info about...).

If i could help in further development or securing the software im open to help here too.

many thanks,
best regards,

dettenbach audio
[Evolver+PolyEvolver Rack, Pro2, Tempest]


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Re: Custom Evolver Waveforms with WAV2Evolver
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2016, 01:12:39 PM »
Hey! Thanks for your interest.

Here's the GitHub URL. This is free open source software under the MIT license:

There's not much in the way of documentation, however. Target platform is LAMP. It should be fairly easy to get going on another server, though, with the important steps being:

(1) Create a MySQL database and run the two files in private/dbschema to generate the two database tables
(2) Edit the private/config.php file to set authentication information for the database created in (1)
(3) Examine the private/source/compile shell script to make sure it will work on your system
(4) Run the private/source/compile shell script to compile the C programs that do the processing work
(5) Your web host configuration should use public/ as its document root

If you have any questions, I'll be as helpful as I can be.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2016, 02:07:53 PM by chysn »
Prophet 5 Rev 4 #2711

MPC One+ ∙ MuseScore 4



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Re: Custom Evolver Waveforms with WAV2Evolver
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2016, 02:32:18 AM »
Here's the GitHub URL. This is free open source software under the MIT license:

If you have any questions, I'll be as helpful as I can be.

Hiho chysn,

many thanks for providing the sources. Did a clone so far and marked / connected me on github to the project.

The installation seems clear so far - will test it next days in more detail here for first:

The binary tools seem very helpful and interesting (i.e. for (console based) batch processing).

Pls let me know if i can help anywhere. If you want to place any public backlink to your website or so pls just place it within the code / onto the GUI (will update/pull it then).

Will held you updated.

many thanks and
best regards,

dettenbach audio
[Evolver+PolyEvolver Rack, Pro2, Tempest]


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Re: Custom Evolver Waveforms with WAV2Evolver
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2016, 03:48:01 AM »
The installation seems clear so far - will test it next days in more detail here for first:

It looks good!

The binary tools seem very helpful and interesting (i.e. for (console based) batch processing).

Yeah, that was the original intent, as I worked from the command line at home. I was either going to do a web-based interface or a Cocoa-based interface for OSX, and the web-based interface won my time because it seemed more universally useful.

Pls let me know if i can help anywhere.

Since I no longer have an Evolver (went completely modular), I don't have any future development plans for WAV2Evolver. So feel free to fork the project and do whatever is useful for you and other Evolver users. If I wind up reintegrating anything that you do, I'll give you credit in the documentation.

If nothing else, translation to German might make sense!
« Last Edit: November 29, 2016, 03:49:36 AM by chysn »
Prophet 5 Rev 4 #2711

MPC One+ ∙ MuseScore 4



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Re: Custom Evolver Waveforms with WAV2Evolver
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2017, 01:03:34 PM »
Hiho chysn and all evolveriders,

many thanks again.

So if you did not have any evolver anymore around (ß() - if someone has something to say or ideas for improvements, pls feel free to use this thread so far too. I don't have very much time for this project, but will do my best to held it up2date and extend it in a useful way.

Will take a deeper look at the sources regarding multilingualization - but i assume the most DSI riders have no real prob with english (even if my written one is not the best...ß). My first view onto the code shows a proper and clean writing style.

It seems i still have some issues regarding the database connection - any changes seems not written to the sql db (but no error or so is rising too - assume that was not required for your own usage) - have to dig in further for this asap.

In case i do a public fork, will post it here too. I still can really recommend the command line tools included for anyone who has no aversion against a *ix console (Linux, BSD, MacOS build should work too) - really cool if you want to calc batches of waveforms in one job or so.

so far...

many thanks,


dettenbach audio
[Evolver+PolyEvolver Rack, Pro2, Tempest]


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Re: Custom Evolver Waveforms with WAV2Evolver
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2017, 08:47:24 PM »
It seems i still have some issues regarding the database connection - any changes seems not written to the sql db (but no error or so is rising too - assume that was not required for your own usage) - have to dig in further for this asap.

I've added code to throw exceptions on database errors, if you do a pull. This will let you know if the problem is with the connection or the query.
Prophet 5 Rev 4 #2711

MPC One+ ∙ MuseScore 4


Re: Custom Evolver Waveforms with WAV2Evolver
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2017, 03:40:55 AM »
Thanks guys!

Ensoniq SQ80, Kawai K5, Yamaha CS6x & DX200, Alesis ion, Akai Z4, DSI gear: {Evolver Desktop, Poly Evolver Keyboard, Mopho x4, Tempest}, Waldorf Blofeld & Streichfett, Moog Freqbox, Roland R8 & R8m