Hey! Thanks for your interest.
Here's the GitHub URL. This is free open source software under the MIT license:
https://github.com/Chysn/wav2evolver.gitThere's not much in the way of documentation, however. Target platform is LAMP. It should be fairly easy to get going on another server, though, with the important steps being:
(1) Create a MySQL database and run the two files in private/dbschema to generate the two database tables
(2) Edit the private/config.php file to set authentication information for the database created in (1)
(3) Examine the private/source/compile shell script to make sure it will work on your system
(4) Run the private/source/compile shell script to compile the C programs that do the processing work
(5) Your web host configuration should use public/ as its document root
If you have any questions, I'll be as helpful as I can be.