It would be really cool if the added racheting to the sequencer too..
Not familiar with "racheting" (ratcheting??) at all, could you point me to an example?
On the OT of OB-6 keyboard mapping...
I use MIDI-Ox (Windows only FREE) for all of my MIDI routing needs. There is a nice function they provide which is a visual patchboard that shows the inputs and outputs of all attached MIDI devices (editable) that allows you to draw a virtual 'patchcord' to connect inputs to outputs.
I turn <Local OFF> on the OB-6 to use the keyboard and then I can map it to any other device I want graphically, including just pointing it back to the OB-6. You can also use channel # to switch the keyboard to various places (e.g. my OB-6 is channel 1, Nord is channel 2, MiniBrute is channel 3, etc...) and switch channels to change or set multiples on teh same channel if you want to 'stack' voices.
when I set <Local OFF>, all the knobs on my OB-6 continue to work, and in fact I can route an external sequencer in if I want and tweak the voices live. I missing something?
You can do the same thing with a MOTU MIDI Express (or equivalent)...and I believe that Apple provides a similar functionality.