Just have to wait and see how it goes. Although I said I would buy the next Sequential synth sight unseen, unless it’s a new Poly Evolver or Wavetables/FM based synth or even a larger VCO based synth, I don’t think I’ll have any interest. I really don’t think the world needs another mono synth and if INHALT hinting at such an instrument from Sequential has any truth to it, it’ll feel like a step backwards, regardless of how good it sounds.
With Behringer coming out with a Pro-One clone, it would be a really weird choie if Sequential came out with one as well, at a much more expensive pricepoint... unless they made it polyphonic...
Which would somewhat defeat the point of a Pro 1. Wouldn’t a Polyphonic Pro 1 essentially just be a Prophet 5 anyway?
That depends... I'm fairly certain that if they make a PolyPro, then it would not just be a simple polyphonic Pro1 (Prophet 5)... it would probably have the typical deep Sequential engine of the newer range of synths (like the REV2 for example), probably with added FX and dual timbrality as the others... and if I recall right, the first Pro1's also had SSM filters, not CEM? ... what if they had created the oscillators discrete, but used the SSM filters of the PX? ...
You have to remenber, that Dave use the brand names rather freely... the Pro2 was NOTHING linke a Pro1 successor... he has used the name "Prophet" on so many synths now it's lost it's classification meaning (to me at least)...
I fear, that if something like this comes out, the REV2 will seem stale in comparison... just have to wait and see