The LFE.
I’ve ordered one, and it should be delivered in a week or so. Once I have it, I will share my thoughts. But GeoSynths already did a review on YouTube, and it was quite positive:
LFOs with Envelopes? 
Four modulation 'slots' which can affect the synth globally, ie not per-voice:
1. Envelope or sequencer. The Envelope has 6 stages and 8 knobs and can be looped in two ways. The sequencer can be 8 or 16 steps, and clocked by midi clock, key of by LFO1.
2. and 3. identical LFOs with 10 waveforms, wave shaping (e.g. vary tri between ramp up through trioangle to ramp down...)
4. more complex LFO3 which includes an extra LFO for S/H triggering and the creation of complex repeating patterns.
Each slot can be multiplied by: velocity; aftertouch; gate on; gate off; mod wheel; external CV; note; one of the other 3 modulators or by itself. So it's really easy to set up an LFO multiplied by the mod wheel etc. Each modulator can be set to a constant Max level, so that when multiplied by velocity etc., the slot sends just velocity, aftertouch etc.
The envelope/sequencer and LFO 3 also have a multiply amount knob so that they can be multiplied by less than the full amount of the Multiplier, so for example you can have LFO 3 multiplied by some velocity not all velocity. All slots have positive and negative amounts.
Each modulator can be triggered seperately by key on, key re-triger, or midi clock with the same clock dividers as the OB-6/P6.
Each slot can be sent to one of about 50 destinations or to CV out and 2 or more slots can be summed to the same destination if required.
All 3 LFOs have adjustable start delay, fade in and can be set to run continuously or just 1-9 cycles.