How does this solve the problem of samples though? The presets will still surely need to see the samples at specific locations within a bank and if you, or another vendor already has samples there, the problems remain.
The problem would be solved since:
1) you can load samples into any of the 8 user sample banks by simply changing in the folder on your usb drive (u07, u06, u05...)
2) preset banks once made can be easily converted to all iterations (8 user sample banks x 4 user preset banks = 32 possible combinations). Ideally, anyone making presets for their samples would provide 32 .syx files all zipped together in one file for download, then the end user can just choose the one that suits their needs.
For example, you want to use the Deckards Dream samples in user sample bank 5 and have the presets in user preset bank 3. Simply change the name of the sample folder on the USB drive from “u07” to “u04” (which is sample bank 5), then load the corresponding presets .syx on your Prophet X. I would use an easy naming scheme for the preset banks — for example, “DeckardsDream_S5_P3.syx”
Not so cumbersome, and imminently flexible.