I figured it was a custom case, because you couldn't get much of a synth into a 38- or 40hp case. Pittsburgh Modular makes a 48hp case, Moog makes a 60hp. Those are both on the small side of what's (easily) available.
I found this, for something really small (32hp). I think it's too small for what I want to do, but it's certainly cute.
Thanks for the link! I had been aware of it and considered it for a while but have since forgotten about it.
Knowing a little more about modular than I used to, I can now say with confidence that I would not buy that for a couple of reasons.
First of all, it's a little bit too small-- I think for effects box purposes I'd want a VCA (probably dual), a buffered multiple, an LFO, a delay (for chorus effects as well), an envelope follower, a ring mod, a filter, a mixer, and perhaps some kind of wave shaper/bit crusher/distortion (I'd most likely go with the DSM-02). Even with the smallest of all those modules, I'm not sure it'd fit in that tiny box! I think it'd probably fit in that custom DSI case though

. Of course there's probably a nice, compact, and logical solution to the buffered multiple, VCA, Mixer/Output module conundrum.
Secondly, and more importantly, I wouldn't buy that Doepfer case because of the sliding nuts. I tend to swap modules around often, and I suspect that would be happening a lot with a case used for effects. I actually bought a Pittsburgh Modular Cell 90 which has sliding nuts (no longer in production apparently...) and ran into what I consider serious issues as far as cases go-- one being that there weren't enough nuts provided and the other being that the nuts do not work with all screws. The latter may be a problem unique to PM, but I'm not willing to take another chance. At the end of the day, swapping modules out shouldn't take more than an hour, a headache, and sore hands. Another problem I had, although it is my own fault for not doing more research, is the fact that it is essentially a skiff, which prevents a lot of cool modules from fitting, including the Doepfer BBD's and VCLFO.
I hope that if DSI are considering putting together an 'effects' case of modules they take those kinds of points into serious consideration.