PXToolkit 1.0 Available Now

Re: PXToolkit 1.0 Available Now
« Reply #80 on: January 03, 2025, 12:05:19 PM »
I'm having all sorts of issues trying to work with this program. I'm starting to wonder if it doesn't work with Windows 11?

I'm not aware of any specific problems with Windows 11 - though admittedly I'm not a Windows user so I just bring it up periodically to see that things appear to work.  The Windows preview builds I'm using are not necessary up to date, but Microsoft is generally pretty paranoid about compatibility.

What problems are you seeing?

Re: PXToolkit 1.0 Available Now
« Reply #81 on: January 19, 2025, 08:43:15 AM »
I recently started sampling for my prophet x again after a long pause, because my laptop died. Now when exporting samples in pxtoolkit, although all samples show as looped in pxtoolkit, the samplebank selected in my px they show up as not looped (button unlit).
I cannot recall that I had this problem previously. I did solve it a few weeks ago by manually select looped again for all samples, if I recall correctly. I have this bigger bank now, I wondering if this is a bug in a newer version? I’m on win11.

Re: PXToolkit 1.0 Available Now
« Reply #82 on: January 19, 2025, 01:54:08 PM »
I recently started sampling for my prophet x again after a long pause, because my laptop died. Now when exporting samples in pxtoolkit, although all samples show as looped in pxtoolkit, the samplebank selected in my px they show up as not looped (button unlit).
I cannot recall that I had this problem previously. I did solve it a few weeks ago by manually select looped again for all samples, if I recall correctly. I have this bigger bank now, I wondering if this is a bug in a newer version? I’m on win11.

PXToolkit hasn't been updated for at least eighteen months.  I'm a very long way from my Prophet X at the moment to experimentally confirm much of anything, and I don't run Windows 11 natively so it's hard to be 100% certain.  Can anyone else confirm seeing something similar?  I have a lot going on at the moment, but if people can help narrow down the offending behavior I can certainly look into a fix when things slow down a little.

Re: PXToolkit 1.0 Available Now
« Reply #83 on: January 19, 2025, 02:07:21 PM »
Following up on the above, I double-checked the behavior of PXToolkit 1.3.2 on macOS and, as expected, samples with embedded loops are automatically imported as looped and export with loop information for the Prophet X.  Samples without an embedded loop are imported as one-shot and export without loop information.  Both can be overridden to force looped samples to be exported without a loop, or for one-shot samples to have a full-length loop added.

It's always possible that the specific sample file you're contains some surprises.  If you don't mind sharing it with me, please write to the email address listed under "License" on the PXToolkit web page: https://www.thinkersnacks.com/pxtoolkit/.  If you can include the .pxinstrument file that you expect to include a loop but that doesn't, that might also be helpful.

Re: PXToolkit 1.0 Available Now
« Reply #84 on: January 20, 2025, 03:18:17 AM »
Thanks you for the quick reply. It is only a minor problem, I thought I would mention it here, so that someone can chime in, when they experience the same issue.
I will send you the samples and the px instrument when I get home. In the meantime I will check again to be sure it is not an error on my part. Thanks for the support.