Tempo sync issue

Tempo sync issue
« on: May 23, 2019, 08:55:00 PM »
I don`t know if this is normal or not:
I midi sync my sequential 6 to ableton live via USB. When i press play in ableton it takes almost 1 bar to get the right tempo. Actually on the sequential screen you can see how it goes from 75, to 81, to finally get it at 80.
Is that normal? It's kind of annoying for this kind of Top of the line instrument.



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Re: Tempo sync issue
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2019, 10:47:08 PM »
The clock is already sync'd tightly when it is going into the instrument, you're just seeing the average of the last few clock periods, creating a human readable bpm. The actually processing is far tighter than the display

I don`t know if this is normal or not:
I midi sync my sequential 6 to ableton live via USB. When i press play in ableton it takes almost 1 bar to get the right tempo. Actually on the sequential screen you can see how it goes from 75, to 81, to finally get it at 80.
Is that normal? It's kind of annoying for this kind of Top of the line instrument.


Re: Tempo sync issue
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2019, 07:43:08 AM »
Oh, no. I heard the tempo changing. For example, if the delay is on sync/tempo you can hear the change of pitch of the it.

The clock is already sync'd tightly when it is going into the instrument, you're just seeing the average of the last few clock periods, creating a human readable bpm. The actually processing is far tighter than the display

I don`t know if this is normal or not:
I midi sync my sequential 6 to ableton live via USB. When i press play in ableton it takes almost 1 bar to get the right tempo. Actually on the sequential screen you can see how it goes from 75, to 81, to finally get it at 80.
Is that normal? It's kind of annoying for this kind of Top of the line instrument.



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Re: Tempo sync issue
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2019, 12:42:18 PM »
Right... so when you get the first clock message you have no idea what the tempo actually is because you have nothing to compare it against. When you are calculating periods that are supposed to align with the clock you have nothing to base this off of, so it needs to 'catch up' while it gets the first clock messages and re-align

You can solve this by sending clock all the time, like the MIDI spec suggests, but many DAWs don't do this by default and thus have this problem

Oh, no. I heard the tempo changing. For example, if the delay is on sync/tempo you can hear the change of pitch of the it.

The clock is already sync'd tightly when it is going into the instrument, you're just seeing the average of the last few clock periods, creating a human readable bpm. The actually processing is far tighter than the display

I don`t know if this is normal or not:
I midi sync my sequential 6 to ableton live via USB. When i press play in ableton it takes almost 1 bar to get the right tempo. Actually on the sequential screen you can see how it goes from 75, to 81, to finally get it at 80.
Is that normal? It's kind of annoying for this kind of Top of the line instrument.


Re: Tempo sync issue
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2019, 02:49:17 AM »
Right... so when you get the first clock message you have no idea what the tempo actually is because you have nothing to compare it against. When you are calculating periods that are supposed to align with the clock you have nothing to base this off of, so it needs to 'catch up' while it gets the first clock messages and re-align

You can solve this by sending clock all the time, like the MIDI spec suggests, but many DAWs don't do this by default and thus have this problem

Oh, no. I heard the tempo changing. For example, if the delay is on sync/tempo you can hear the change of pitch of the it.

The clock is already sync'd tightly when it is going into the instrument, you're just seeing the average of the last few clock periods, creating a human readable bpm. The actually processing is far tighter than the display

I don`t know if this is normal or not:
I midi sync my sequential 6 to ableton live via USB. When i press play in ableton it takes almost 1 bar to get the right tempo. Actually on the sequential screen you can see how it goes from 75, to 81, to finally get it at 80.
Is that normal? It's kind of annoying for this kind of Top of the line instrument.


I see. I will check if can do that. It's not a big issue, but I have to be carefull specially when recording. Thank you!