I've purchased a UDO Super 6. Theoretically it's arriving in a few weeks, but they're backlogged and who can tell if one can trust predictions re: when next shipments arrive.
I'm in a band that makes indie, alternative, and synth rock/pop. I've owned the following: Prophet 6, Prophet Rev2, OB6, Juno 60, Juno 106, Alpha Juno 2, Nord Lead 2x, Nord Stage 3, Microkorg, Model D, Poly D. Of those I kept the Ob6, Juno 106, Model D and Stage 3.
I also own many of the big VST's (Omnisphere, Arturia V, Tal, Serum, etc.).
I simultaneously love the OB6 and Juno 106 sounds yet wish I could have those sounds and a synth capable of more/other types of sounds. I sometimes question if I should've sold my P6, I bought it toward the beginning of this synth journey I've been on the past several years and after getting to know the OB6, I might get a lot more out of the P6 than I did at the time. In a mix my VSTs would probably be all I ever need, but the heart wants what it wants, and there's something to the workflow and joy of playing real synths and that something extra in their sound.
I went to Perfect Circuit a couple months ago for several hours and played with the Prophet 10 rev4, Roland System 8, Hydrasynth, Moog One, Novation Summit, Prophet 6, OB6, Nord Wave 2, and the Super 6. The Super 6 was the one that blew me away sonically and in terms of interface/workflow. As you can probably tell, classic Roland synths and tones speak to me, and the Super 6 felt like a Jupiter 8/6 on steroids. I wish it had 61 keys and a simple screen (not for menu diving, but for patch names/bpm, etc.). But the binaural feature isn't just a gimmick. And even without it it's a 12 voice FPGA synth with 2.5 oscillators (one of the LFO's can be put into audible range, and the two main oscillators are different and capable of many tricks in their respective rights). One moment it sounded like a Jupiter, the next it could go into FM and wavetable territory, or it could be dialed into a one osc + sub setup and pull off great Juno-like tones, albeit with the binaural feature bringing pads to life.
As you can tell, I was a big fan. This is all super subjective, and if it's not others' liking that's great. It is a wonderful time for poly synths. What made me happy about the Super 6 is that it felt like something both new, and something that could pull off/harken back to my favorite classic Roland synths. I suspect Sequential is going to do a new rev of the OB-X next, and I'll check that out. But I'm most excited to see if Dave has any more new designs in him, and I really do think he should take a long look at the Super 6 for inspiration. A Sequential synth with an FPGA osc, an analog osc, analog filters, etc. could be a new direction, as I feel with the P6 and P10rev4 it feels a bit like another pure analog poly would be a re-tread unless it had some new fundamental feature to distinguish itself.
Who knows, I'm out of my depth. I love these things, but I'm not engineer or master. I'll just say that the FPGA oscillators stand toe-to-toe with analog. Whereas playing that System 8 etc. you can hear the difference. I didn't miss my 'analog warmth' at all when playing the Super 6.
Anyway, enough of a ramble. Hopefully it arrives soon and I can report back with the pros and cons. Likely cons are just how small of an outfit UDO is and it seems they're still ironing out bugs.