Well, my eurorack synth is done! Meaning, I'm out of space. There are actually a few small things left to do, like upgrade the power supply, and upgrade the low pass gate, but its capabilities are more-or-less finalized according to what I set out to do.
It's basically arranged into four quadrants: sound source, filtering and effects, composition tools, and modulation, with each quadrant divided by a mixer/attenuator. The final piece, which arrived today, was an Intellijel µScale.
The µScale is great. Most quantizers have the ability to choose a scale (major, minor, chromatic, etc.), but the µScale is the only one I know of that allows you to create your own scale in real time. The buttons correspond to notes on a piano keyboard, and when you push them, they toggle whether or not that note is quantized. There are presets for recalling various scales in various keys, but if you paid attention in music theory, it only takes a few seconds to punch in whatever you want without using presets. Then you just feed it a modulation source or two and see what you get.