Unless I'm (as usual) missing something, when I've edited a sound and wish to save it to a new location, I
press Save (then can use Soft Knobs 1 & 2 to choose a new Location to save to, so I don't lose my original)
but although the display updates to:
"Writing to Bank Y Program yy"....
the Name of the soon-to-be-overwritten Program is not displayed.
so until we have a way to Print out a list of our U-Programs (Soundtower *can do this*) I think it would be helpful to see the name of the Program we're about to overwrite, displayed before we hit Save the 2nd time to store our edit in this new location.
--thanks as always, for this captivating synthesizer.--
*@!@ If you have Sountower's Prophet X Editor, here's how to print out a list of Banks:
1. Go to the Editor/Librarian (Command-L)
2. File/Program Bank Names
3. Click U1 (for example) button
4. Select All
5. Click "Copy to Clipboard" button
6. Create a Text document in your word processor program. Create a Table with 4 columns.
7. Paste the Bank's Program names in - they line up nicely, and include their Program Number numbers.