Hey forum members and quests.
I've had a few queries...stuff like "Where's Volume II for the Rev2 buddy?" It's all here for everyone to see in black and orange...I promised it would only take a few short weeks for Volume II to be released. What can I say. Things changed...The
OB-6 Bank had to be finished after sitting patiently for months. (Best laid plans and such) The good news is we are just about to release our first offering for the OB-6. Immediately following that, give or take a month, Volume II for the Rev2 will be ready to go. We plan to offer a small gift in the way of an apology for our sudden swing in plans. 15 free patches for the Rev 2, and 10 free patches for the OB-6. These freebies of appeasement will be available some time in the next few days back at the ranch. Will let you know.
Thanks for your patience and understanding in this matter~!!!~