Just getting to know this instrument, but there are 2 basic things that I can't figure out how to do (so far.) Here's #1:
1) If I want Oscillator 1 to sound softer on the lower keys than the higher ones, ("scale" its level) and ultimately not sound at all near the bottom keys, if I assign Note Number to Osc1 Level, and give it a negative value, even if the actual Oscillator Level is set to 0 (with its knob) - the Prophet X doesn't seem to make that Oscillator diminish in volume as I go down to the lower keys. In fact with any value ≠0 in that Mod configuration, it's impossible to make any of the notes not sound (even with the Hardware Osc 1 knob in the Mixer at 0. Is it always a positive offset, and, if so, is this limitation wise? You can make a good Al Green organ sound, like 800 000 006 on a Hammond here, but as you go lower on the keyboard that high harmonic (Osc1 in my case) should diminish in level, ideally, disappear.
The only plausible, but regrettable explanation I can imagine is that Note Number, being 0 through 127 is just added. Ideally, there would be a split point, or a default in the middle of the keyboard. I'm going to try adding another modulation routing where I use DC negatively on that oscillator's level. Will report back. Thanks. I should start sleeping again in a few weeks lol.