This is absolutely fantastic! Can the patterns be chained together for song mode?

Yes, patterns can be chained although there is the restriction that a pattern can only appear once in a chain although it can be repeated up to 16 times. In the video I copy pattern 1 of the bass line to pattern two, modify it a little, and then tap in a sequence: 1-1-1-2. This creates a chain that wil repeat: three times pattern 1 then pattern two and back to pattern one. Chains are essentially created by defining the next (following) pattern for a pattern. The idea is to allow the creation small (1-4 patterns) chains and switch between these on the fly when the sequencer is running. It is of course also possible to chain all 16 patterns.
Not shown in the video is the ability to set different tempo divisions (0.5 0.75 1 1/2 1/3 1/Pi 1/4 1/5 etc.) per pattern. The timing should have millisecond precision. The tempo is calculated as a floating point value, note length can be varied between 5% and 100% (legato if following pitch is the same) of the step length, the note on event can be shifted around the 'grid' by -50% to +50% of the step length.
The goal was to have real hands on control over the step parameters themselves and to create a tool for improvisation. An instrument to play with, not a recording device.