I think staged comparisons have limited usefulness. The aim there is to get something to sound as close as possible to something else. Usually by reverting to basic tones. I do not intend to use an OB-6 to emulate a Prophet 6 (or an OB-X for that matter). I am far more interested in what the OB-6 sounds like on its own, as an instrument, used to its full extent.
The audio path is different (oscillators, filters, gain etc), so the OB-6 is bound to behave differently to the Prophet 6, when programmed and played dynamically. But it will probably sound closer to the Prophet 6 than to a vintage synth with totally different electronics. Expecting a vastly different sound character compared to the Prophet 6 is probably unrealistic. But I like the sound of the Prophet 6. More of the same with a different flavour and different options is a good thing. That should make them easier to integrate sonically, and easier to use interchangeably.
What I miss most from the Prophet 6 is not a different sound but more options, more voices and more octaves. I was considering two Prophet 6s, but an OB-6 is likely a much better companion. It means losing poly chaining, but that is a hassle compared to having more onboard voices anyway. I regard the Prophet 6 + OB-6 as a single two-keyboard (organ style), multitimbral, polyphonic setup.