I haven't had much luck using Y axis feature on the Linn for any hardware instrument control, as it seems too sensitive no matter how I set the instruments up.
In case you don't already know, you
can restrict the range of the Y-axis on the LinnStrument.
From the manual:
Hidden setting: Timbre/Y High/Low LimitsNormally the value sent for Timbre/Y has a range of 0 to 127. However, you can change the low and high limits so that the sent values will be scaled between these limits. To change these range limits, hold the On pad and the screen will display large characters. Swipe up or down to switch between the following two settings, and left or right to edit each setting’s value:
"L 0": the Low Timbre/Y limit, from 0 to 127.
"H127": the High Timbre/Y limit, from 0 to 127.
If these settings are changed from their default values of L 0 and H127, the On pad in the Per-Split Settings screen will be lit in the accent color. Note that if the high limit is lower than the low limit, the output range will be inverted.