Rev 2 Distortion FX issue

Rev 2 Distortion FX issue
« on: December 27, 2018, 09:31:20 PM »
Hello, I seem to have an issue with the distortion FX.

On some sounds when i try to crank the distortion effect it ends up turning into a 'bitcrusher' type sound that overpowers the sound no matter how much i dial down the distortions parameter amounts. this becomes particularly apparent when i use preset F1 P67 'Can't Kill Me' in which the bitcrushing sound happens at times without me even changing any parameters.

Further more when this happens, when i switch to another preset or FX, the bitcrushing sound carries over to that sound as well in which I have to then either restart the synth or turn off the fx all together.

Is this normal? I feel like I've recently updated the software. Or is this a known hardware issue.


Re: Rev 2 Distortion FX issue
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2018, 10:16:27 PM »
Updating my REV2 to the very latest firmware revision (currently seems to have corrected the (known) issue (at least for me).

Oberheim OB-X8, Minimoog D (vintage), OB6 (Desktop), Prophet REV2 (16V), VC340


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Re: Rev 2 Distortion FX issue
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2018, 01:19:11 AM »
No... it has not been fixed, but it got better with the last update... I still have a preset that will introduce this on the latest beta, that i sent to support, and they confirmed this, and added the bug to the list yet another time, so it should be up for a fix.

It seems not to be an FX engine problem though, but rather a case of certain parameter settings... my recent patch started it when I changed a Mod Matrix setting routing an envelope back to it's own release parameter... i could actually remove the bug again by removing that particular modulation in the matrix (after a reboot of the REV2 of course... when the effect first sets in, it never goes away until a reboot).

I'm eagerly waiting for this bug to get fixed in a coming beta release... I've also experienced sudden note cancellations when playing quite a lot recently, especially since the few last beta releases, but they happen at random and are impossible to reproduce...unfortunately... you sit and play, holding a chord, and then suddenly notes just stop... as if you released some keys with a release setting of zero... I'm wondering of this is related to the "bitcrush" effect (I find it sounds more like sample rate reduction though) since it also introduced itself with my program when modulating the release time... I think maybe it's an envelope issue...
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Re: Rev 2 Distortion FX issue
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2018, 01:27:50 AM »
before the last try at fixing this bug, it seemed to happen a lot with certain types of effects, especially when the same effect was used on both layers it seemed, and many times the distortion was mentioned as the culprit... I've also experienced it with the HiPass filter FX and even reverb... but if you look closely, you'll see that the bug seems to be related only to Layer B... I do not think it's a matter of what FX you use... it just seems to happen when layer B is active, and with certain parameter settings... I think people may have unexpectedly blamed the FX for this since most probably copy layer A to layer B before starting a stacked/split program mode, and thus think that it is because the same FX is used on both...
If you need me, follow the shadows...

Re: Rev 2 Distortion FX issue
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2018, 03:25:23 PM »
Thank you guys for the quick and thorough replies. Its a sigh of relief to know that the issue is not hardware related. I'll give the new update a go and hopefully they fix these issues down the road.
