Please welcome me to the club. My XL bricked yesterday evening. Serial number 129.
I have this synth for a few weeks now and I am really in love with the possibilities and the sound that is coming out of it, but this is unacceptable. Hey, Sequential, we are not in the '90s anymore.
I had the latest firmware installed ( and both 8DIO packs, along with some of my own samples. It worked for days. I changed nothing, and yesterday evening I wanted to switch it on and it just stopped starting at the end of the progress bar. As far as I can see in this forum and over at Gearslutz, Sequential has not found a way to unbrick the devices for more than a week. Please just release a firmware that lets the user reset the sample storage with a key combination on startup. This should be a quick interim-fix until you figured the cause of the problem. But we could go on using our synth in the meantime.
Or is it a hardware problem we are talking about?