I guess you're responding to the original post of this thread, so it must be me that you're addressing. These discussions can get emotional, as people take comments and opinions personally, and I'd rather not fall into that sort of mess. But I haven't changed my original opinion.
As you know, I recently put in some serious time with a Prophet 12. Of course, four weeks doesn't make me a P12 master. However, my main objective was to compare the tonal qualities of the P12, PEK, and P'08. My conclusion was that they're all superb in their own ways, and each is worth owning every bit as much as the others. My disclaimer, though, is that I use configurations that are quite different from most synthesists, and my judgments are based on these configurations. So, if you put a single Prophet 12 Keyboard beside a single Prophet '08 Keyboard, you have a configuration that doesn't interest me in the least. Honestly, both sound mediocre to my ears. So, I have no judgments or conclusions on that account.
The only configuration that interests me is to compare a Prophet 12, either using both pair of output jacks, or else, pairing a keyboard version with a module version, with a Prophet '08 set up in the same way - either with both pair of jacks or paired with a module version. In this arrangement, together with the all-important mixer panning for a deep stereo effect, a comparison between the two instruments can be made that is meaningful. With this arrangement, it's still my personal opinion that the P'08/Rev2's string patch is superior to that of the P12. I believe it's warmer and can better withstand an opening of the filter without turning somewhat shrill. I found the upper end of the P12 filter to be a tad too "digital sounding" for my taste, which is why I recorded only a soft string piece on my YouTube channel. Whereas, the P'08's opened filter sounds typically bristly, but not shrill unless you want it to.
Also, I would not bother to compare four P12 oscillators with only two P'08 oscillators. In my opinion, that wouldn't be fair. Of course four will sound better than two! I would first get the P'08 up to the P12's standard, but you would possibly feel that this only proves your point. It doesn't matter to me. I'm trying to compare only the fullest and most ideal arrangement of each synthesizer. And when the number of oscillators is equal between the two instruments, again, I prefer the Prophet '08.
I would say, based on your YouTube video (which has some excellent sounds), that our personal ideas of a string patch substantially differ. When I use the term in reference to my own music, I mean a fairly realistic emulation of a string section; not perfect or exact, but realistic enough. So, I think you and I are speaking in similar terms but with differing meanings.