Did some more debugging. This problem seems to be related only to Osc 1.
If I...
- Initialize the Basic Program
- Set the level of Osc 1 to 0
- Increase the level of Osc 2 to more than 0
The problem goes away.
Adjust Osc 1 pitch, shape, and shape mod affects the high pitched sound.
In fact, what I think I'm realizing is this problems is making Osc 1
always play a C10 regardless of what MIDI is sending to it.
Could this be a bug in the latest firmware?
Tested this further by controlling the Pro 2 directly through another MIDI keyboard, through the MX-8, without going through FL Studio. It works as expected. So it's definitely something related to the way that FL Studio is sending MIDI to the Pro 2, the Pro 2 will always play Osc 1 as a C10. Hmm...
More Update:
Whatever the problem is, I figured out that MIDI out from FL Studio plays 7 octaves higher on Osc 1, and at the expected octave on Osc 2- 4. C0 from FL Studio MIDI will play as a C7 on the Pro 2. This is why everything sounded like C10, because I was sending notes in the C4 to C6 range, which the Pro 2 was just treating as a C10.
Update 3:
I narrowed it down to a specific MIDI message FL Studio is sending:
Control Change 006: Data Entry (coarse)
Data: 183 6 12
Update 4:
Geeze I need to learn more about the MIDI protocol. I'm interpreting this as an NPRN command to set parameter 6 to value 12. According to the Pro 2 manual, the NRPN is Osc 1 Wave Right. The parameter being changed (Osc 1 pitch) is NRPN command 0. If I set global parameter "MIDI Param Receive" to "CC" (it was set to "NPRN" before) from my initial testing the problem goes away. I still kinda want to understand more of what's going on here because the parameter values don't line up with the manual.