Well, I have given it a few hours and can not seem to get the Px to send the edit buffer. It will send the current program from the global menu and I can send that back to the Px but I can not get a response when I send Request Edit Buffer.
I attempted to cheat it by modifying a program dump to mimic an Edit Buffer dump (change 0x02 to 0x03 and remove the bank/program values.
That sort of worked. It seemed to get sent down but had problems. My test was to watch the 4 mixer values when sending back to the Px. Set them to zero. Send the edit buffer sysex and see if they change. Oddly, the data seemed to get in there but no changes were displayed until I touched one of the mixer pots and then all 4 values would show properly, except for the pot I moved, of course. (pots are set to jump). I realize the data format might be different between the edit buffer and a program dump.
A "Send Edit Buffer" switch in the globals would be extremely handy in my workflow here. But I will continue on attempting to get this working here. As well, some little indicator that a sysex was just received would be handy.
I am able to successfully request a Device Inquiry from the DAW. But no Edit Buffer. Also, requesting a program from bank 1, prog 1 (0,0) yields no response.
I am using Nuendo. If anyone else is successfully using this feature please let me know so I can narrow down the cause.