No really... the kind of sample packs I would be using (when I get my X next year) would have to be created by myself because I hardly think they would create the type of raw waveforms I'd be using.
I have a completely different view on what I want to use an X for... I'd want samples that are perfectly looped snippets of sound textures from both synthetic and acoustic material that is then to be violently mangled in the synth engine.
This is mainly because I really do not like sample playback in a ROMpler form very much... attack transients are allways static sounding, and i can even hear it clearly on the demos of the Prophet 5 sample pack when it's being played... it comes nowhere close to the organic feel of the real thing in my point of view.
So IF I should want a sample pack developed by 8DIO, it should be a texture pack... something that act like building blocks to create programs that has no real resemblance to the original thing the samples was taken from... like kind of a "Samples LEGO box" so to speak.
But I have no expectation that anyone will make those samples exactly the way I want them, as my experience with sample editing for more than 25+ years has given me a rather perfectionist approach to designing samples, down to single sample accuracy in loop points, and even the way they are multisampled/velocity switched etc... the X gives some rather nice features with the "round robin" style of sample cycling that I'll most definitely want to take advantage of as this can remedy a lot of the static transient problems usually associated with samplers.