What does the Ext CV trig destination in the modulation matrix do?

What does the Ext CV trig destination in the modulation matrix do?
« on: September 21, 2018, 06:57:35 AM »
What does the Ext CV trig destination in the modulation matrix do?

Re: What does the Ext CV trig destination in the modulation matrix do?
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2018, 06:26:00 AM »
I got this reply from DSI in another thread as answer to another question. Maybe it helps:

The Pro2's gate out jack is hard wired to the keyboard, so it only gates when you press a key.

In the newest BETA OS versions we added a new set of destinations for the sequencer called "CV TRIG", one for each of the 4 CV outs. This allows you to sequence CV triggers much more easily than before.

If you just want to clock your DFAM, set a sequencer track to one of the CV TRIG destinations, make the necessary CV connections and hit play. With each step enabled for the sequencer track, it's a clock source. You can also use rests and ties to create different rhythms.

Hope this helps!