Yamaha MODX


Re: Yamaha MODX
« Reply #20 on: September 15, 2018, 09:03:10 PM »
I know it’s not the same but I just feel that touch screens are risky. If the screen goes...then what?

I had same feeling about the $4K Waldorf Quantum.   I may risk it for a $1K synth  ;)

How do you feel about OLED displays?  Those have a finite life for sure!

I got to try the Quantum at Moog Audio and....I don’t know...I just couldn’t gel with it.

OLEDS are fantastic...but to be honest and yes I know I’m in the minority...I hate them on analog synths. For some reason I just get put off when I see them on analog gear.


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Re: Yamaha MODX
« Reply #21 on: September 16, 2018, 02:43:20 AM »
The AWM+ engine in my QY700 isn't that bad and it's only a simplified version.  Yamaha were doing advanced pcm-subtractive synthesis quite well very early on.  They beat Korg at it in my mind.  I've found with additive synthesis it's nice to have a big fat squarewave drone slightly lpf'd sitting quietly under it all for some reinforcement, so the AWM engine would be good for that.

Re: Yamaha MODX
« Reply #22 on: September 16, 2018, 04:22:52 PM »
To even compare the amount of parameters of the Reface to the Montage/MODX is silly. All you have to do with the touch screen is click a parameter you want and 1) hold down and either a menu of options or a numerical keypad will pop 2) use the scroll wheel if you're not exactly sure where you want it. On top of that there's faders and knobs depending on what parameter it is.

Still waiting for practical alternatives that would make life easier...

I know it’s not the same but I just feel that touch screens are risky. If the screen goes...then what?

I've definitely shared that skepticism in the past, but one can still purchase replacement / upgraded displays for 30-year-old products in quantity; none of the major MI manufacturers are large enough to be able to justify custom display sizes, so they tend to be commodity-sourced (and therefore easy to find).

I'd be more worried about custom semiconductors, to be honest. The same principle applies to the automotive industry.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2018, 04:24:39 PM by DavidDever »
Sequential / DSI stuff: Prophet-6 Keyboard with Yorick Tech LFE, Prophet 12 Keyboard, Mono Evolver Keyboard, Split-Eight, Six-Trak, Prophet 2000


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Re: Yamaha MODX
« Reply #23 on: September 18, 2018, 10:59:53 AM »
The MODX6 is tempting at that price point.  Does anyone know if it will respond to aftertouch from an external controller? Poly or channel?  Seeing that the Montage supported channel aftertouch and they say the MODX shares the same sound engine I would hope so.

Someone has asked the question ‘Does the MODX series respond to aftertouch over MIDI ’on the Yamaha forums and the reply from Bad Mister was ‘Yes’
DSI Prophet Rev2, DSI Pro 2, Moog Sub37, Korg Minilogue, Yamaha MOXF6, Yamaha MODX6, Yamaha Montage6


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Re: Yamaha MODX
« Reply #24 on: September 18, 2018, 01:16:29 PM »
The MODX6 is tempting at that price point.  Does anyone know if it will respond to aftertouch from an external controller? Poly or channel?  Seeing that the Montage supported channel aftertouch and they say the MODX shares the same sound engine I would hope so.

Someone has asked the question ‘Does the MODX series respond to aftertouch over MIDI ’on the Yamaha forums and the reply from Bad Mister was ‘Yes’

That would be great news but contradicts the just released MIDI spec in the data list doc.

Ironically the internal sequencer can send and receive poly aftertouch but the sound engine MIDI spec shows X meaning not supported for both send and receive of both channel and poly aftertouch.

Who is bad mister and do you have a URL to the forum?  Hopefully it is a mistake in their document.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2018, 01:22:19 PM by Gomjab »


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Re: Yamaha MODX
« Reply #25 on: September 18, 2018, 11:26:02 PM »
The MODX6 is tempting at that price point.  Does anyone know if it will respond to aftertouch from an external controller? Poly or channel?  Seeing that the Montage supported channel aftertouch and they say the MODX shares the same sound engine I would hope so.

Someone has asked the question ‘Does the MODX series respond to aftertouch over MIDI ’on the Yamaha forums and the reply from Bad Mister was ‘Yes’

That would be great news but contradicts the just released MIDI spec in the data list doc.

Ironically the internal sequencer can send and receive poly aftertouch but the sound engine MIDI spec shows X meaning not supported for both send and receive of both channel and poly aftertouch.

Who is bad mister and do you have a URL to the forum?  Hopefully it is a mistake in their document.

Bad Mister is the man who knows everything about Yamaha stuff his real name is Phil Clendeninn :)

Hopefully it's OK to post this link to the thread on the Yamaha Forums...


DSI Prophet Rev2, DSI Pro 2, Moog Sub37, Korg Minilogue, Yamaha MOXF6, Yamaha MODX6, Yamaha Montage6


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Re: Yamaha MODX
« Reply #26 on: September 19, 2018, 08:09:07 AM »
The MODX6 is tempting at that price point.  Does anyone know if it will respond to aftertouch from an external controller? Poly or channel?  Seeing that the Montage supported channel aftertouch and they say the MODX shares the same sound engine I would hope so.

Someone has asked the question ‘Does the MODX series respond to aftertouch over MIDI ’on the Yamaha forums and the reply from Bad Mister was ‘Yes’

That would be great news but contradicts the just released MIDI spec in the data list doc.

Ironically the internal sequencer can send and receive poly aftertouch but the sound engine MIDI spec shows X meaning not supported for both send and receive of both channel and poly aftertouch.

Who is bad mister and do you have a URL to the forum?  Hopefully it is a mistake in their document.

Bad Mister is the man who knows everything about Yamaha stuff his real name is Phil Clendeninn :)

Hopefully it's OK to post this link to the thread on the Yamaha Forums...


Thanks for posting.  I did manage to find his one word response to the question last night using a google search.  I also saw he was a Yamaha product specialist with a long history so took it as gospel.  They do need to correct their MIDI spec as it was wrong as of yesterday.

I actually decided to buy a MODX6 based on your post so thanks again. 


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Re: Yamaha MODX
« Reply #27 on: September 19, 2018, 08:14:28 AM »
The MODX6 is tempting at that price point.  Does anyone know if it will respond to aftertouch from an external controller? Poly or channel?  Seeing that the Montage supported channel aftertouch and they say the MODX shares the same sound engine I would hope so.

Someone has asked the question ‘Does the MODX series respond to aftertouch over MIDI ’on the Yamaha forums and the reply from Bad Mister was ‘Yes’

That would be great news but contradicts the just released MIDI spec in the data list doc.

Ironically the internal sequencer can send and receive poly aftertouch but the sound engine MIDI spec shows X meaning not supported for both send and receive of both channel and poly aftertouch.

Who is bad mister and do you have a URL to the forum?  Hopefully it is a mistake in their document.

Bad Mister is the man who knows everything about Yamaha stuff his real name is Phil Clendeninn :)

Hopefully it's OK to post this link to the thread on the Yamaha Forums...


Thanks for posting.  I did manage to find his one word response to the question last night using a google search.  I also saw he was a Yamaha product specialist with a long history so took it as gospel.  They do need to correct their MIDI spec as it was wrong as of yesterday.

I actually decided to buy a MODX6 based on your post so thanks again.

I ordered one this morning as well :) Hopefully I won’t be to blame if the reply on that forum wasn’t correct! I’ve never known him post wrong information before though.
DSI Prophet Rev2, DSI Pro 2, Moog Sub37, Korg Minilogue, Yamaha MOXF6, Yamaha MODX6, Yamaha Montage6


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Re: Yamaha MODX
« Reply #28 on: September 19, 2018, 09:43:12 AM »
I’m buying local so I have an easy return if not.

Re: Yamaha MODX
« Reply #29 on: March 24, 2019, 09:17:13 AM »
Only to clear it up. Of course, Modx responds to channel aftertouch via external midi.