Prophet X bag

Prophet X bag
« on: September 11, 2018, 12:31:56 AM »

brand new owner of a Prophet X, I will soon need to carry it for work. Is there a bag that fits it?
Do you think DSI planned to create one?



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Re: Prophet X bag
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2018, 05:05:17 AM »
If I were travelling with a $4,000 synth, I’d use more than a bag.  You can get a good hard shell case for $300.  A decent gig bag will cost you half that, but it is still just a bag.  IMHO that extra $150 bucks or so will be the best money you spend to protect your investment.

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Re: Prophet X bag
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2018, 11:54:51 PM »
Yes, still thinking the way I used to do with my Nord Lead, but it's half the weight and more than half the price so you're right! Thanks

Re: Prophet X bag
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2018, 04:18:08 PM »
I have a Momo case (bag) that barely fits. If I were going to gig further than a few hours from where I live or fly I also have a Gator flight case. Gig bags are far easier to manage on local gigs and preferable for what I do.
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Re: Prophet X bag
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2018, 06:07:49 AM »
I have a Momo case (bag) that barely fits. If I were going to gig further than a few hours from where I live or fly I also have a Gator flight case. Gig bags are far easier to manage on local gigs and preferable for what I do.
The new job cases are a good middle ground, waterproof and military spec, but not as heavy as a flight case and has wheels.