Fix "last note priority" on new OS?

Fix "last note priority" on new OS?
« on: August 24, 2018, 08:29:05 AM »
If you successively play and hold 3 notes while in last note priority mode, and then release the second one (so the last note is still held), first note will be triggered. Can we get this fixed in the new OS? It seems to be a very odd behavior to me. If the last note is still held then it should not be stopped.

I believe my Mopho X4 behaves the same way.

disclaimer: I am away from home right now so I may have misstated this but there is definitely weird behavior w/ note off events in this mode

Re: Fix "last note priority" on new OS?
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2018, 03:30:20 PM »
My mistake; it's the Mopho that behaves this way, not the Prophet. Sigh... and it will never get an update.