I'm not sure if it's even possible as for as computation but I really think it would be awesome to add envelope slop and the super plate algorithm to the p6/ob6, I think it would increase sales of two already successful synth's and with the one having the black hole reverb it would really give them some legs in the future as well asake it more diverse for us sound designers. That would make my year..
Yup envelope slop, long requested myself as well and it FITS with the theme of the synth(very obish too, would bring out even more of that character that people crave)
Everyone asked for another LFO and we know that's NOT going to happen..... so what I would like to request is:
Simple motion sequence recording on the sequencer. You cannot see values for note's velocity(simple recording) because of no display, implement this same philosophy for recording motion for up to 4 lanes....hell I'd be happy with 2.
and as long as you don't use note values, have the motion sequencing be able to be used with the ARP.
This is a workaround for folks who want more mods and it keeps everything in the design philosophy.
All that said, I sincerely appreciate the current feature additions. Thank you very much!