BETA OS v1.1.5.9 Bug Report Thread


Re: BETA OS v1.1.5.9 Bug Report Thread
« Reply #180 on: September 26, 2019, 07:44:36 AM »
When will we see another update I'd love to see some new features! Let alone all these annoying bugs that need fixing... I hope the rev2 is not another example of dsi seeing its users just hanging in the wind with another unfinished product.

Re: BETA OS v1.1.5.9 Bug Report Thread
« Reply #181 on: September 30, 2019, 01:27:18 PM »
I have a Question.
Is the Patch-Volume increase or decrease linear?

For example: I have two patches.
The volume of patch 1 is 80. The volume of patch 2 is 120.

When i decrease both with the value of 20 (patch 1 is 60 and patch 2 is 100 now), have i still the same volume ratio?

Thanks alot!


Re: BETA OS v1.1.5.9 Bug Report Thread
« Reply #182 on: October 10, 2019, 10:07:57 PM »
Is it a bug that the slew of the gated sequencer doesn't affect a sequence when it is routed through the mod matrix? 

Slew only works for me when you route the sequence to a parameter directly from the sequencer section, not the mod matrix.

Yes, this would be a problem if true, one of the things I thought of doing - using mod matrix as well from gated sequencer.

Can anybody confirm this?

My module is still on the way, so will see which OS is on it when arriving next week.

What is the interval new OS releases?
A bit disturbing that 2 year old synth still have major bugs.
It could be I just return it.

Should have looked up forum before purchase.
Most things I've seen reported is not things I would use, like external clocks and such.


Re: BETA OS v1.1.5.9 Bug Report Thread
« Reply #183 on: October 12, 2019, 10:28:55 AM »
I just tested what it does on my rev2.

When the stored value = 0 and the pot is at at 63. I press misc, and turn up. After turning about 15 degrees up it shows 0.
Also the other way around. When I turn about 15 degrees down, the actual value is shown.

This makes me think that you don't have to reach the stored value but it appears that way. It just takes quite a turn to get the stored value on the display. Not just by touching it.

This is not the case for me. I have to turn the poti until it has reached the saved position. Tested it on many parameters.

Re: BETA OS v1.1.5.9 Bug Report Thread
« Reply #184 on: October 15, 2019, 02:48:00 PM »

Yes, this would be a problem if true, one of the things I thought of doing - using mod matrix as well from gated sequencer.

Just to be clear, you can definitely route the gated sequencer through the mod matrix just fine.  The issue is that for example, if you modify sequence A slew with sequence B and then you route sequence A to osc pitch through the mod matrix, the pitch is not gliding gradually like it should from slew, it is jumping in quantized amounts.

Re: BETA OS v1.1.5.9 Bug Report Thread
« Reply #185 on: November 28, 2019, 02:24:24 PM »
Chorus causes click sound:
I´ve wondered why there is a strange click sound on one of my patches. After trying to deactivate all things I could, the last I deactivated was "clk sync" that I forgot to turn off because it didn´t make sense in combination with the chorus effect I used. But this combination resulted in a very unpleasant click sound. I´m happy that I found the reason for this.


Re: BETA OS v1.1.5.9 Bug Report Thread
« Reply #186 on: December 02, 2019, 05:33:47 PM »
Just recently (one week maybe) started having the following issue below...

When sending a program change via Ableton Live, although my REV2 responds to said program change, the LED display screen still shows the old program (before the program change was sent). At this point, if I click the Global button on and then off, the proper program is displayed. This is highly problematic for in a performance.

Anyone else had this issue?

I've been on firmware for a long time as I didn't want to update as it seems users on the forum have reported new  issues being introduced with updates. I've not had the issue above in the last year (or more) that I've been on

UPDATE: I just noticed that although the program changes, as in the sound does, and after pressing the Global button on /off the display then shows the proper program name .... it still shows the wrong Bank/Program number. IF I then manually change the program via the Program knob, it switches to the program one slot over from the old program and then if I turn one click back it's on the old program again.

It's totally jacked essentially. Please send help
« Last Edit: December 02, 2019, 05:47:56 PM by dp »

Re: BETA OS v1.1.5.9 Bug Report Thread
« Reply #187 on: December 09, 2019, 11:13:25 AM »
I am on - there seems to be a problem with the glide function. "Fixed Rate" and "Fixed Time" work as they should, whereas "Fixed Rate A" and "Fixed Time A" don't work at all, it doesn't glide when playing legato. Tested on a basic program (init). Can anybody confirm this behavior?


DSI Prophet REV 2, Prophet X

Re: BETA OS v1.1.5.9 Bug Report Thread
« Reply #188 on: December 09, 2019, 11:27:28 AM »
Ups - got it, Legot only works in Unsion mode (as it should)... :-)
DSI Prophet REV 2, Prophet X

Re: BETA OS v1.1.5.9 Bug Report Thread
« Reply #189 on: December 09, 2019, 12:52:44 PM »
Did any of you ever save some patches and after working with the sequencer the CUTOFF of previously saved patches changed in value? I find values ​​lower than about 40 units compared to the saved value. Today in 2 patches is happened.


Re: BETA OS v1.1.5.9 Bug Report Thread
« Reply #190 on: January 13, 2020, 12:48:11 PM »
My synth has a display bug when Local Control is set to off (default on)

In that configuration, the Preset name isn't updated on the display when you change preset.

The bug dissapears when Ableton is launched for some reason.

Re: BETA OS v1.1.5.9 Bug Report Thread
« Reply #191 on: January 13, 2020, 01:22:09 PM »
My synth has a display bug when Local Control is set to off (default on)

In that configuration, the Preset name isn't updated on the display when you change preset.

The bug dissapears when Ableton is launched for some reason.

Not a bug--with Local OFF you must be in MIDI Loopback for this to work. This is why the display changes as expected when you DAW is running; Ableton is taking the incoming MIDI data and routing it back out to the synth.

Re: BETA OS v1.1.5.9 Bug Report Thread
« Reply #192 on: January 14, 2020, 05:44:15 AM »
My synth has a display bug when Local Control is set to off (default on)

In that configuration, the Preset name isn't updated on the display when you change preset.

The bug dissapears when Ableton is launched for some reason.

Not a bug--with Local OFF you must be in MIDI Loopback for this to work. This is why the display changes as expected when you DAW is running; Ableton is taking the incoming MIDI data and routing it back out to the synth.

Thank you very much ! That explains it then :)

Re: BETA OS v1.1.5.9 Bug Report Thread
« Reply #193 on: January 15, 2020, 10:40:16 AM »
Does anyone know the hoteky to clear calibration data for the Rev2 module?  There's no transpose buttons like the keyboard.

Re: BETA OS v1.1.5.9 Bug Report Thread
« Reply #194 on: January 15, 2020, 11:08:47 AM »
Arp relatch does not work consistently even under
I have rev2 module and having issue with arp relatch since day 1, It's a shame.

Re: BETA OS v1.1.5.9 Bug Report Thread
« Reply #195 on: January 15, 2020, 01:17:22 PM »
We're not aware of any issues with arp relatch. Please send an email to our dedicated support channel with a clear description of how to recreate it: support (at)

Re: BETA OS v1.1.5.9 Bug Report Thread
« Reply #196 on: April 16, 2020, 12:02:03 PM »
Prophet Rev2 User’s Guide version 1.2.2 (page 15) says the Global Setting number 12 "MIDI Out Select" can be set to Off but that option is not available. Only MIDI, USB, MIDI+USB. Or is this just a typo in the manual?

Re: BETA OS v1.1.5.9 Bug Report Thread
« Reply #197 on: May 01, 2020, 01:43:30 PM »
Maybe a feature request and not so much a bug:

When i go to "misc" and turn the program button it leaves the settings and goes to another preset. SO ANNOYING!!!!
At first i thought it was an idiosyncracy but it turns out to happen a lot when tweaking a sound together getting all that work destroyed. Please fix this, dont make it possible to switch presets while being in misc mode. please please

Re: BETA OS v1.1.5.9 Bug Report Thread
« Reply #198 on: June 03, 2020, 02:35:07 AM »
Maybe a feature request and not so much a bug:

When i go to "misc" and turn the program button it leaves the settings and goes to another preset. SO ANNOYING!!!!
At first i thought it was an idiosyncracy but it turns out to happen a lot when tweaking a sound together getting all that work destroyed. Please fix this, dont make it possible to switch presets while being in misc mode. please please

With some machines to can set things in such way that the edited patch is preserved when you mode from and to a changed patch. You have to actively undo the changes. My TR-8S does that. You can also choose for the setting that a change is lost when you move away from the patch; this is the rev2 behaviour but you cannot change it.

My solution for the REV2 is simple I've removed the patch and bank knobs.

Re: BETA OS v1.1.5.9 Bug Report Thread
« Reply #199 on: August 04, 2020, 10:46:17 AM »
I'm experiencing a bug when attaching an LFO to the VCA -- it causes the oscillators to generate a tone despite no key presses on an initialized patch. Is this a known issue? super annoying.