I've written about this bug in the Bug thread, and I've also written support about it... but I'd like to hear if anyone else has noticed, that any program they have created, or other preset that use clocked LFO's sounds different with the latest OS?
All the presets I've made thus far, that use the LFOs in clocked mode (as master or slave, it does not matter), seems to have the division settings messed up... one particular program i made, that had it set to "2 steps", now sound completely wrong, and is fixed now setting it to "4 steps" instead.
It happens to ALL programs I've made, that use the LFOs in clocked mode.
I really hope that DSI will be fast with fixing this bug because it temporarily stops you from wanting to create new presets until it's fixed... otherwise anything you create that use the LFO's in synced mode will sound wrong when they have fixed it...
http://razmo.ziphoid.com/Bug.mp3The above audio demo show what I'm talking about. The first sound you hear is a single key being pressed and held for the duration of the sound... that first sound has the Time Division setting of LFO1 set to 4 steps... This is the way the sound was made to sound, but to make it sound like this after OS, I had to change the Time Division setting of LFO1 to "4 steps"... in my original preset it was "2 Steps"... with OS, and the Time Division set to "2 Steps", it now sounds like the second sound in the demo above... clearly different because the Time Divisions of does not match prior OS'es anymore.
A bit about the sound:
the two oscillators are playing different pitches that are set up by the gated sequencers... seq1 play oscillator 1, and seq2 play oscillator 2... they gradually change the pitch upward with oscillator 1 playing the first note, oscillator 2 playing the second, then oscillator 1 playing the third and so on... the sequencers restart on every new note played so that the sequence start over.
With this alone, the two oscillators would just mix equally, and the pitch changes would be abrubt as the sequencers change the pitches, so to get those smooth fades you hear in the first sound, I use LFO1 set to a triangle, and let this LFO smoothly change the oscillator MIX parameter... that way, when one oscillator is heard only, the others pitch is changed by the sequencer for that oscillator... but for this to work, the LFO would have to be both keysync'ed and clock synced, otherwise the LFO will not line up with the sequencers. The LFO and sequencers play VERY tight together in this sound, so the Time Division setting of LFO1 is crucial to avoid that the oscillators are heard when their pitch is changed by the sequencers.
The second sound you hear has very abrupt changes because the LFO is no longer correctly synced with the pitch changes in the sequencers...
I have made 3-4 other programs that use a clocked LFO, and these also sound wrong with OS