That there is no more editing on the machine I actually find good... it would just allow for a lot more bugs on the device itself if it was to also do sample editing etc... it also simplifies the synth for those who do not want to create their own samples... i like the idea that you create the multisample setup on a computer into in essence, a complete sound... it makes the samples on the device seem much more like an oscillator... which is the approach i always wanted really.
Nick also talks about the sample length being more "grainy" the longer the sample is... this is logical when you look at how the parameter is supposed to be implemented in the Mod Matrix... if the resolution was to be the same as the length of the sample, then the parameter for the loop length/end/start would be different depending on the length of the sample which is not very practical... it's more practical to have a number that has a hardwired length... yes... it will make longer samples have larger chunks, but as long as there is a crossfade function i really do not care.
There is ONE thing I'm very curious about... how the editing software will load in .wav files... in this regard I'm thinking about ESPECIALLY the loop points... I can figure out, that if I use a sample and change the length/start/stop parameters, that I'll then be jumping more than one sample depending on the sample length, but how about if I do not?
I'd really like to know if the .wav that is loaded keeps it's original loop points made with the sample editing software you used? ... when i do sample loops I'm EXTREMELY perfectionistic... even a single sample off, and I'll hear it in 99% of times, and it's completely unacceptable to me in a sampler... I'm therefore curious if the X will take .wav files and their precise loop points? ... if not, then what use will you have for the looping function? ... yes if you loop rhythmic samples you may get away with the end point being some samples off, but if you want to create looped textures for further sound design approaches, then it is REALLY IMPORTANT that the original loop points are kept, and that not a single sample is skipped.
I'm pretty certain, that if the original sample loop is intact, then this is the sample/synth I'm looking for... but if not... then I'm going to have to reconsider if the X is for me... orignal loop points simply HAS TO BE kept!!! it's a total no-go for me if not.