In we are so close to having the sequencer act as just a modulation sequencer for paraphinc okay. Wow, this is great and has been a long time coming. Thank you very much for working hard on this guys!
Still, there seems to be some instances where I’ve found the sequencer wanting to open the envelope on just the sub oscillator. It’s like I’m playing and all the sudden, I can’t get the sub to stop playing if the sequencer is on. None of the primary oscillators play, but the sub does on its own. Weird.
Also, when the sequencer is not on, the voice selection does seem to prioritize OSC 1 as the lowest note so the sub is always the lowest note. But in paraphonic mode with the sequencer playing, that doesn’t seem to work the same and the sub oscillator (OSC 1) gets selected for various notes in a chord.
Also, in paraphonic mode with the sequencer on, with the sequencer set to trigger on sequencer (not Key), the sequencer doesn’t start on its own and waits until I play keys (reset is off). And setting the sequencer mode to key in paraphonic mode is pretty weird acting.
This is very close and I know it’s a hard feature to get right and not on the top priority, but these are my observations. Thanks again!