Really loving the prophet x - the combination of samples and oscillators with a ton of modulation possibilities is amazing. There's a few things I'd really love to see in an update:
* linear FM/thru zero of the samples and oscillators
* less glitchy modulation of center location for samples - this doesn't really act as I expected, and I'm wondering if it's a matter of having a sample length that corresponds right to the prophet that would do the trick. What I'd really love to be able to do is load some samples ala Ensoniq Transwaves and modulate them (somewhat) smoothly. Barring an across the board fix, is there any way to create an app for instance that can help users create wavetables similar to the pro 3 that work in a similar smoother manner? Maybe there is a new loop mode that is something like splitting the sample into N number of parts and people could make samples that have exactly N cycles to modulate through and the prophet properly smooths out the transitions and loop points.
* more waveforms for the oscillators - these could be accessible only via the menus and show up as all lights on or something. One of the most promising things is modulating Sine shape with a sample - you get a sort of additive synth version of the sample, but it doesn't get bright enough - so I'd love to see some variations of Sines added - e.g. sines that morph into FM of that sine (similar to some wavetables on the Pro 3), triangle and sine with wave folding, etc.
* a phase control for the oscillators that could be modulated - this would let you do phase distortion synthesis ala the Casio CZ series, and would be very powerful with samples as modulators
* an EQ - I _think_ the signal path is all analog with effects added, so this might only be possible in the digital domain, but perhaps a way to enable EQ that routes through digital (but doesn't use an effects slot) that's 2 band shelving with frequency control - the VCA has a blank slot that would be perfect for this.
* slew/smoothing for modulation sources
* log/lin/exp (ideally a knob to morph through all) for the envelopes
* note num is very useful as a modulation source per voice, but I think it's perhaps last note priority when used for a single source (e.g. effects) - adding highest/lowest note as another option for note number would allow some better modulation of effects (e.g. highpass) from chords
* ability to change polarity of oscillators and instruments - being able to cancel each other out can help a lot with some types of sound design
Keep up the great work!