Pro 2 soundtower Editor

Pro 2 soundtower Editor
« on: July 20, 2018, 10:12:30 AM »
Since i would like to buy the vst version of the librarian i have a question i haven't found an answer.

When i connect the software to the Pro 2 , i automatically have all the patches stored within the synth?Or i have to load them up everytime i open the vst?

Re: Pro 2 soundtower Editor
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2018, 05:26:47 AM »
I don't have the software but I am pretty sure that they have all of the stock patches are in the software already. If you have a bunch of modified patches, then you would need to get them into the software one time and then they should be in there until you change them. I don't know if the vst will accept a bank dump or not. I also think that the VST will do a sysex read of the hardware to read whatever the current patch is set on the hardware when it opens.
MophoX4, PRO 2