Has anyone had a go with just the synth engine, or have any sound demos?
I've seen a number of requests along similar lines, and I guess I understand in abstract but it's still a little baffling.
So why not use whatever works with the sound you're creating? There aren't any points awarded for playing with one hand tied behind your back.
OK let me try to explain. There are 2 main reasons: Money, and Portability.
1. Money.
I can see on the forum that there are some people with incredible gear lists, which will surpass anything I will ever be able to afford - and fair play, I would too if I could! But the fact of the matter is, sadly, if I were to get a Prophet X i would certainly have to sacrifice perhaps my Prophet 08 (which I love and have had for years, even though I got it second hand at the time) and Prophet 6, which I also love! I also have a Nord Electro which I got second hand a few years back.
I had to save up for a long time before getting the Prophet 6. I had someone on another thread say to me, don't sell the Nord to fund a Prophet X (as, rightly, it would not directly replace it), save up 'a little while longer' and get the Prophet X.. it would not be a 'little while' that is for sure!! I hvae over indulged anyway when it comes to this stuff, I really should not have bought the Prophet 6 - don't regret it mind
- but it was a bit of a risk to me financially.
So in regards the Prophet X's synth capabilities, I will probably have to sacrifice at least one synth to get the Prophet X (if indeed I decided to). Now I love synths, and would want to be able to still perform some pure synth stuff (i.e. not using samples) to replace the synth stuff I am doing right now. So the Prophet X would have to tick that box for me too - it would have to be a great analog synth in its own right to justify it, not jsut the sample stuff.
2. Portability
When gigging, as a keyboard player it is tough to carry a bunch of keyboards around to gigs. If the Prophet X could perform the synth stuff and replace some of my Prophet 08 / Prophet 6 patches, then I would only need to take potentially that one synth to a gig, or rehearsals, or recording sessions etc.
I hope that answers the questions as to why I would like to know about the synth only aspect of the Prophet X.
In regards the original question, with respect if I may replay that here: has anyone had any experience with just the synth (i.e. non-sample) engine, and have any insight into any similarities with other DSI synths?
Many thanks.