Hi all,
i am new here. I hope i do not repeat a topic, but i didnt found a solution in search.
I am (massively proud :-)) new owner of the PRO2. At the moment i am trying to figure out a few things in using the PRO 2 as my modular central hub... integration of external OSCs and utilizing the CV outs works greats. Still i have a few things that seem to not work or are integrated wrong by me.
Issue: The gate out (just normally playing keys, with or without Seq on) seem to send nothing. At least on my Doepfer ADSR or on my Mutable Instruments Rings and Elements no Gate arrives. (MIDI Channel set to all). Parallel i am sending midi to an Doepfer MIDI module. Here i get a gate single and CV Pitch (which is perfect), but when turning on the sequencer, just key presses send a gate (no reactions to the sequencer via MIDI). The recorded notes in the sequencer do not trigger a gate (not via gate out and not via MIDI). Did i miss something?
I can send the first (or more) tracks of the Sequencer out to my modular via CV. Thats nice. But somehow the sequencer seem not to send any gates and also no notes via MIDI. (Velocity should be on, cause i recorded notes in track one via keyboard, so the velocity data should be recorded according to the note press on keyboard)
I found mod destinations like "seq track 1, CH 1"... but they are greyed out and seem to have no effect.
I think i am just missing one setting that i overlooked... Do you folks have an idea? :-)
Cheers from germany