Hello, I am going crazy here with the following issue and maybe someone can help me out:
I record notes from the OB-6 (keyboard version) into my hardware sequencer (Cirklon). The notes recorded correspond to the keys played, e.g. if I play a C4 the sequencer records a C4. I am using a bidirectional Midi connection, no thru boxes or anything. So far, so good.
The ISSUE now is when I play back the recorded notes from the sequencer, everything is pitched up a couple of octaves and sounds pretty weird. I also have a P6 connected to a different Midi port of the sequencer and playback works without any issue.

I have checked Globals (transpose, master tune, alt tuning), the pitch wheel, mod wheel, went through the calibration procedures (oscillators, mod and pitch wheels).
Furthermore the sequencer is not sending any cc's or transpose functions that may cause the wrong pitch.
Any ideas?