Hi there! I'm trying to structure my Tempest kits in a reasonable, flexible, and consistent way. I'm newer to it though, so wanted to check with you all to see if my assumptions and ideas are sane.
1. Synth output:
Voice 8 and 16 in all my kits are synths (basses or leads). Both are set to voice 6 so I can send it to a dedicated effects chain with overdrive, etc. I only expect to use one synth at a time per beat.
2. Panning main outs into two separate mono outs:
I want two overall drum effect chains. Chain A for compressor, overdrive, bitcrusher, etc. Chain B for reverb and such for snares.
Instead of a dedicated snare voice, I was thinking of hard-panning everything L and sending my L main out to chain A and my R main out to chain B. Then I can pan my snares and anything else I want hard R to chain B. That way I can have multiple simultaneous voices output separately from the rest, rather than a single, dedicated voice...and could even mix my snares to get a little reverb AND whatever master effects the rest of the drums are getting in chain A.
I know this will effectively mono my drum mix, but I don't think I have much use for stereo. If I ever want to do detailed recording and mixing with panning, I assume I can separate things out in multiple recording passes.
Will I get in trouble and be frustrated with this, or does it seem generally sane and useful?
3. Finally, I think storing each kit as a beat file makes most sense. Is that right? My general sound scheme looks like this:
Misc - Shaker - TomH - Kick2 - Snare2 - HhOpen - Clap - Synth
Misc - Crash - TomL - Kick - Snare - HhTight - Crash - Synth