Of course until the specifications are advised it is pure speculation but...
It would be great if it could load user sounds/samples (at least as an option) into the unit via standard audio L/R 1/4" (6.35mm)jacks and they could be adjusted within the unit as opposed to just loading samples that have to be pre-formatted/set in with an SD card prior to.
Of course everyone's situation is different and I am pretty sure this will be a great instrument, but I for one would really go for the Emulator 2 /Prophet 2000 style approach at least as an option for people who like to use the instrument without having to resort to a computer to record the samples prior to loading into the unit.?
Just a thought...
So direct input like so....
Yes that is right on the money!
Thanks for that and enjoyed the video! (I still.. like New order) ...
So strange that stuff like the Emulator and Fairlight had such an easy method to their sampling and now we sort of have to program a bunch in order to even map a sample across the keyboard.
Maybe when expectations increase and technologies get more complex and accessible then complexities in devices do also!
Saying that, synthesisers have also become more accessible so thats a good thing.
Once I read the specifications of Prophet X then will make the decision to retire the Korg Micro-sampler.
Yeah I got the Microsampler too...I appreciate the idea of it being compact but damn if they made a full sized version I'd use it a lot more.
I used to have an Ensoniq Mirage years ago until it went kaput.
I found the MASOS system to work detailed samples on the Mirage painful with hexadecimal but the filters and envelopes were great.
It was fun in many ways and trying to use the 64K as efficiently as you could across the keyboard.
Fast forward 20 years
I find the Korg Micro-sampler easy to use for many things but I revel back to the time when I could control the full envelope shape and the timbre of the Mirage.
The Korg Micro Sampler for me filled the void and still does as an easy to work sampling keyboard but I do hope the Prophet X has the features I would like. (Direct Sampling into VCF/VCA's)
Once I have read the specs and it hits my targets then I will be purchasing one also.
I bought Tempest in 2013 new and still own it .
I own a Prophet 08 and Mopho also. (Still own them)
The Tempest has had a checkered history on the forums but my setup it is the main beat controlled by the Engine Sequencer.
So I guess I like the DSI brand.
The tech support is top notch and the instruments well built.
My Tempest had an LED issue some years back and Tech support walked me through and advised me what to do.
Being handy with a soldering iron helped the process!
I have a Vermona perfourmer 2 and sent Vermona a question ...2 years later I am still waiting!
That's why I am more inclined (once reading the specs) that the Prophet X will enter my setup as opposed to the Waldorf Quantum or another brand.
Just my opinion.