Alternatively it's surely not a big deal to alter a preset on this synth and save it as a new sound.
Altering 1 preset = no big deal.
Altering 500 presets = big deal.
you can only play 1 sound at a time tho and I reckon you bought this synth because you want to alter the sounds anyway ?
Fair enough if there where menus to navigate like most synths with fx.... tho id still say The FX settings are an integral part of the preset sound design intended to show off the engine inside....
Your options are to use An instantly recallable initialised patch, which is your own route to patch heaven and is dry, or you could save a dry preset of your liking to start from.
Like wise turning off presets altogether gets you all the old school interface satisfaction of the originals with infinite sounds and no fuss (no menus)
Long/Short.... jus press off.