So I just picked up a desktop OB-6 with the intention of replacing my keyboard and saving some space. I thought I'd have a go at polychaining them while I've got them both together..
BIG MISTAKE!! I'm now going to have to keep both. 12 voices of OB goodness for those beautiful long-release syrupy pads is beyond amazing.
Right. What can I sell?!!!!
What else have you got that you don't use that often ? Maybe you could sell that ?
I'm also seriously contemplating getting a second OB6 Desktop to polychain them. I use an old Oberheim Matrix 6 as MIDI controller to play it.
I have a Prophet REV2, which is great, but doesn't quite sound as nice as my OB6. I'm thinking of selling it to help me get a second OB6 module. But then, I'd probably miss the mod matrix on it...
BTW, how well does the polychaining work ?