Hi all,
Let's be honest: Rev2 is a monster. And monsters can be hard to tame.
Factory presets show a lot of what can be accomplished using the synth, but understanding exactly how/why they work is a challenge. Yes, I'm aware of the "compare" button and several software interfaces but in real vintage style (I didn't get an *analog* synth for nothing, right?) I felt the need to have a book.
So I sat down and made one, reusing, amongst other things, some formidable work done by DSI forum users Razmo and Gerry Havinga. And you, dear reader, get to download and read it entirely for free! Officially the best known way to explore your synthesizer in bed! It shouldn't come as a surprise that the book turns out to be a monster too, counting way over 1000 pages (don't print this at home, folks

Since this is a first version of the book, it may have flaws, critical omissions, etc. If you happen to find such errors or omissions, please be so kind as to report an issue to me, as described in the first pages of the book, on
https://github.com/shimpe/sc-prophet-rev2 This is also the web address where you can suggest code changes or spec sheet template changes.
This book will always remain free under a creative commons license. Future updates to the book - if any - will be announced in this thread.
Note that the software I created to make this book is available for download too, and it allows you to automagically create similar sheets for your own REV2 patches, but at the moment it's not (at all!) user friendly - i.e. probably usable for hardcore tech nerds only (and unfortunately I have deadlines for other projects which means this situation will not change any time soon). If you do try and use it however, but get stuck, be sure to reach out, and I'll make a reasonable effort to help you figure things out.
In the mean time, I hope you will find the book as intriguing as I do!
For your convienience here's the download link: