I have just proven us both wrong...
I thought what will PEK respond if I send it the mysterious message.
- So I opened up two instances of Sysex-Librarian. One for the sending of the SysEx message, and one for catching the PEK's response if there would be any.
- Just to be sure, I closed Evolver-Editor. So I would not interfere with any SysEx messages.
- I loaded the mysterious message into the first instance of Sysex-Librarian
- Then in the second instance of Sysex-Librarian I clicked on "record many".
I got a response of the PEK:
__.__.__.__.^^.B#.P#.16BYTE_NAMEDATA_16BYTE_NAMEDATA_.__And that one is mentioned in the manual as a "Program Name Data Dump" message.
So or I just could not find this message in the manual... or it was omitted by mistake.
So the message is a "Request for a Program Name Data Dump"
10 means "Request Program Name Data Dump".
B# means "Bank Number".
P# means "Program Number".