Hello, please help. I need to sequence the Tempest with Ableton Live and so use the Tempest as a sound module.
It seems like the Tempest is not receiving any midi-notes messages from Ableton.
I have the following settings in the Tempest :
SYSTEM/ MIDI Remote pad Play
1. Remote Pad IN channel : ALL
2. Remote Pad OUT Channel : OFF
3. Pad note mode : sounds
4. MIDI Note : C0/ 0
SYSTEM / Polyphonic Keyboard play
1. MIDI Synth IN Channel : 1
2. MIDI Synth sound : A1
3. MIDI Synth root note : c5(60)
etc. ( as default settings).
In Ableton , in a MIDI channel , I created an External Instrument , settings are like shown in the pic.
And my Ableton MIDI settings are shown in a second pic.
Please help, it's been a long while I can't do this.